
The Sanger Sequencing method, as the name suggests, determines the nucleotide sequence based on a human DNA replication process. Our molecular biology laboratory services provide you with a wide range of options related to this method.

Serving the healthcare device innovation sector, our laboratories are able to enable last minute testing for the domestic and international medical industry.

Molecular Biology Lab Services. Shipping Details

The novel ABI 3730xl DNA analyzer is available for in-lab sequencing. When submitting your samples for sequencing, please keep in mind the details listed below:

You must send PCR DNA templates. If more than one PCR product is present, preferably use gel purification to separate the desired product or optimize the PCR again to obtain a single product.

We strongly recommend premixed DNA samples with your specific primer in ddH2O.

Some practical tips

To choose a suitable host strain, avoid TG1 and TG2, Terrific broth and other enriched media. We do not recommend JM101 (JM100 series).

You should also avoid by all means mold purification methods involving the use of phenol or chloroform.

Samples should avoid residual ethanol. Also salt and proteins, which clog DNA capillaries.

Try an ethanol PPT if you get unstable sequencing results.

If you concentrate the genetic material, take care to evaporate the EtOH before re-suspending the DNA.

Keep in mind that excess template can affect the quality of the data obtained in many ways.


Some other specifications may be necessary. We recommend that the customer contact us by email or phone call before preparing any shipment.

Our specialties include safety and combined medical technology testing. We provide specialized genomic analysis and microbiology test of superior rigor. We offer our clients a comprehensive range of DNA sequencing services based on specific strategies tailored to each unique situation.

Our team of vocational analysts, certified to the highest professional standards, is at your service. Our contact details are available in the corresponding section of this website.


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המלצות על חלוקה פנימית של ארון הזזה 2 דלתות

Sanger Sequencing